Friday, November 19, 2010

Ms. Mendoza's Class

No homework, enjoy the holiday break!

Social Studies

Government: Period 1
In class discussion on "Evaluating Leadership"
No homework have a great break!

Economics: Period 2
In class discussion on "Banking, Monetary Policy and The Great Depression"
No homework have a great break!

World History: Periods 3 and 4
Review of Chapter 12 assessment
No homework have a great break and remember your 5 page paper will be due when you return!

US History:Periods 5 and 6
Review of Chapter 10 assessment
No homework have a great break and remember your 5 pages paper will be due when you return!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ms. Mendoza's Class

No homework.  If you are retaking a quiz tomorrow, then  please study your warm ups and notes. 

English III, English Iv, Drama

English III:
The Crucible TEST tomorrow

English IV:

Cont. rent

Social Studies

Government:Period 1
Class Discussion on Chapter 13 Sections 1 & 2
HW: Chapter 13-3 & 4 pages 365-376 do section assessment 1 thru 3 for both sections.

Economics: Period 2
Class Discussion on Chapter 16 Sections 1 & 2
HW: Chapter 16-3 & 4 pages 425-434 define terms and section assessment 1 thru 6 and 1 thru 5.

World History: Periods 3 and 4
Review Chapter 12 section 4
HW: Chapter 12 Assessment all of it!

US History: Periods 5 and 6
Review Chapter 10 section 4
HW: Chapter 10 Assessment all of it!
English I Reading pages 260-268 for HW 1 page essay. Writing prompt... Do you agree with the way the psychiatrist handled the situation in the reading, why or why not. Look at both angles that of the family members and the phychitirist.

English II CAHSEE prep work book pages 13-24

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

English III, English IV, Drama

English III:
Final Draft Due tomorrow! include pre-write, rough draft, and final draft typed MLA format.
The Crucible Test Friday

English IV:
**Don't forget your visuals**

Cont. "Rent"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ms. Mendoza's Class


11/16...........Finish CW:  Mini Review Worksheet

Algebra 1

11/16............Finish Review Worksheet and Complete Graphing Project Corrections

Algebra 2

11/16.........No Homework

Physical Science

Read Ch 16-2
Ch 16-2 two page handout

notes signed by parent/guardian

Earth Science

 Read Ch 15-2,15-3
 Crossword puzzle handout

English III, English IV, Drama

English III:
ASVAB Tomorrow
Final draft: persuasive essay due Thurs. Please include pre-write (bubble map/outline), rough draft and final typed MLA format stapled on top.
The Crucible Test Fri.

English IV:
Speeches due tomorrow. Include outline, rough draft, final draft and note cards.
**Keep in mind that college application deadline quickly approaching** (14 days)

Cont. "Rent" No HW


HW: Ch. 20 pkt-viruses; due thurs 11/18


English I Page 260-268 read be prepared for a quiz on the reading.

English II Work book pages 4-12

Social Studies

Government: Period 1
Chapter 12 Test
Homework: Chapter 13-1 pages 354-358, and 13-2 pages 359-363
Define key terms and section assessment 1 thru 4

Economics: Period 2
Chapter 15 Test
Homework: Chapter 16-1 pages 415-418, and 16-2 pages 420-423
Define key terms and section assessment 1 thru 4

World History: Periods 3 and 4
Chapter 12-3 Quiz
Homework: Read Chapter 12-4 pages 388-393 answer questions A thru D in the section

US Hisitory: Periods 5 and 6
Chapter 10-3 Quiz
Homework: Read Chapter 10-4 pages 359-365
Answer questions A thru C in the section

Monday, November 15, 2010

Physical Science

Read ch 16-1
p.536 #1-6

Earth Science

Read ch 15-1
Do handout on volcanoes
Please have parent/guardian sign your notes!

Mr. Tran's Class

Alg - NO HW
Geo - NO HW
PreCal - 5 prob, find the unknown using the Law of Sines

Ms. Mendoza's Class


11/15........Finish Practice Quiz and any review worksheets  (STUDY FOR QUIZ)

Algebra 1

11/15........No Homework

Algebra 2

11/15..........Finish Classwork  
Period 3 p. 267 (27-31 odd, 41-45 odd, 51-55 odd, and 61 and 63)
Periods 6 and 7 ..... do p.268 (60,61, 65, 67)  and p. 277 (4, 5, 17-23)

English III, English IV, Drama

**ASVAB on WED.**
English III:
Cont. Reading "The Crucible"
Persuasive Essay
Rough draft due tomorrow

English IV:
Final draft Speeches Due Wed.
