Government Period 1: Chapter 3 section 2 pg72-77
Section assessment 1 thru 3 on page 77
Economics Period 2: Chapter 3 section 2 pg57-60
HW:Answer the following questions:
1) Explain how government tracks and seeks to influence business cycles.
2) Analyze how government promotes economic strength.
3) Analyze the effect of technology on productivity.
World History periods 3 & 4: Chapter 6 section 2
HW: Chapter 6-2 Hnad-Out
U.S. History Periods 5 & 6: Chapter 3 section 2
HW: Answer the following questions:
1) Describe the regional economic differences in the early United States.
2) Summarize tensions between national and sectional intrests.
3) Examine the crucial issues and events of Andrew jackson's Presidency.
4) Indentify the Presidents that followed Jackson and the challenges they faced.