Government Period 1:Section 5 section 2 pages 119-124
Homework: Answer the following questions:
1) Indentify the reasons why the U.S. has a two party system.
2) Understand multiparty and one party sysytems and how they affect the functioning of Government .
3) Describe party membership patterns in the U.S.
Economics Period 2: Chapter 4 section 2 pages 85-88
Homework: chapter 4 section 2 assessment on page 88 1 thru 4 and do the "Profile" on page 89 and answer questions 1 thru 3.
World History Periods 3 & 4
Homework: Chapter 6 section 4 handout "The American Revolution"
U.S. History Periods 5 & 6: In Class read and discuss the "Dred Scott Case pgaes 166-167
Homework: Chapter 4 section 2 pages 168-174 and do the handout "The Civil War Begins"