Spanish I
1. Activities 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, pages 112-114,
2. Make a POSTER ( minimum size 22' x 16') draw and write on it the topic of Activity 14 on page 112. You will present it and read aloud in front of the class this Friday, October 22, 2010. Posters can be left for display in the classroom or you can take them home, and
3. A 12-sentence paragraph about Activity 20, page 115
Due: Friday, October 22, 2010
1. The students who have not brought their textbook yet, must bring it!
2. Bring your NOTEBOOK (same or a new one), to make the correspondent notes that you must take. Please, have in mind that your notebook will be collected right before the next Unit 2 Test.
Spanish II
1. Activities 14, 16, pages 118-119 and 1-4, pages 122-123. Textbook.
2. Bring a family photograph that includes at least five relatives. You will tell the class who and how they are (personal traits and physical characteristics), Activity 6, page 124.
3. A 12-sentence paragraph about Activity 7, page 124.Due: Friday, October 22, 2010
1. The students who have not brought their textbook yet, must bring it!
2. Bring your NOTEBOOK (same or a new one), to make the correspondent notes that you must take. Please, have in mind that your notebook will be collected right before the next Unit 2 Test.
Spanish III
1. Actividades 1, 4, 6, 8-12, 14, paginas 134-142 del libro de texto.
Fecha de entrega de la tarea: viernes 22 de octubre de 2010.
1. Los alumnos que aun no han traido sus libros de texto para confirmar la posesion de los mismos, deberan traerlos!
2. Traigan su CUADERNO DE NOTAS (puede ser el mismo u otro nuevo) para las notas correspondientes de la clase. Por favor recuerden que los cuadernos de notas se recogeran justo antes del examen de Unidad 2.