Thursday, February 24, 2011

English III, English IV, Drama

English III:
Chapter 12 "TSL"
Quiz chapter 9-12 tomorrow
1. Who is the surgeon in Boston before Chillingworth?
2. What does Dimmesdale see in the sky?
3. How does Dimmesdale react to Chillingworth's suggestion of confession?
4. Why does Dimmesdale seek Chillingworth's help?
5. What is Chillingworth's goal?
6. Describe the secret practices Dimmesdale uses?
HW: chapter 13-16 wksht packet

English IV:
Chapter 5 "Gatsby"
Lit. Book:
Read Pages 989-991
pg. 981 Q 1-3
Pg. 992 Q 1-5 (#5 is 1/2 page)

Character Analysis and introduction