Friday, August 19, 2011


“Art is an Expression of the inner self.”

Ms. Ngo
Summit Leadership Academy High Desert
Art I and Sculpture I

Course Description:
Students will:
• Apply artistic processes and skills to communicate meaning in original works of art, using the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design as the foundation.
• Perceive and respond to works of art using art vocabulary.
• Analyze the role of visual arts in different cultures throughout the world.
• Analyze, assess, and derive meaning from works of art.

Classroom Expectations:
• Be Respectful to others and their belongings
• Clean after yourself
• Come prepared to class
• Follow all school rules and regulations
• Verbal Warning/Push ups
• Change of seats/Push ups
• Reflective essay/ Parent contact/Push ups
• Send to Office/Receive Demerit points

Grading Scale:
A = 100%-90%
B = 89%-80%
C = 79%-70%
D = 69%-60%
F = ↓↓↓

Studio Work: 50%
Studio work includes all projects assigned in class. Grading is based on a clear set of criteria given at the beginning of every project. Students will be allowed and encouraged to rework a project that is below a desired grade. A student may repeat this process until a desired grade is earned. This eliminates the need for extra credit projects.
Sketchbook/Journals: 20%
Sketchbook assignments will be given in the form of a drawing and/or written task. Sketchbooks will be collected and points awarded for work completed each semester.
Participation/Homework: 20%
Participation will be based on “on task” behavior, focused work, class discussions, and final project critiques. Also, any homework assigned in class.
Test/Quizzes: 10%

Attention Homework Policy:
*All late homework must be turned into the office.
Freshmen-receive total of 5 chances for late assignment per semester
Sophomores-receive total of 4 chances for late assignment per semester
Juniors-receive total of 3 chances for late assignment per semester
Seniors-receive a total of 1 chance for late assignment per semester

Please feel free to contact me with questions and concerns you may have.


Ms. Ngo
Phone: (760) 949-9202

Ms. Ngo
Summit Leadership Academy High Desert
Art I and Sculpture I

*Please review the attached syllabus with your student, sign below and return.

Student Name_______________________________________________________________________

Home Phone:________________________________
Cell Phone:_____________________________
Work Phone:________________________________
Email address:____________________________

I have read and understand the information in the attached syllabus.

Parent Name (Please Print)

Parent Signature

Student Name (Please Print)

Student Signature
